Thursday 6 November 2014

October 2014 Favorites

Hello Everyone,

November has finally come which means its time for me to share my October favourites with you. During October I start using products that are alot more moisturising because it starts getting colder so my skin and hair need more moisture. I am so happy that its finally November because this not only means there's one month until Christmas but it also means that its officially Autumn and I love November weather too. 

My first favourite is my Asda jar candle in the scent 'Peony Blossom'. If you have been reading my blog for a while you will know I love candles in general but this candle is just amazing. It has a fresh smell that smells a bit like lavender but it also have a nice warming feeling. This candle is really big, it lasts for ages and its not expensive at all. 

My next two favourites are both from Dove. My first favourite is the silk glow body wash by Dove. I love this because it is really nourishing and moisturising and it smells amazing (like most dove products do). I have managed to use up the whole bottle throughout the month of October.
My second Dove favourite is the dove hair therapy dry shampoo. I have talked about this dry shampoo so much because it seriously works wonders, all you need to do is spray this onto the roots of your hair then massage it into your scalp and it adsorbs all the excess oil leaving your hair looking clean in-between washes. 

My third favourite is the Beautycyle mask,scrub and brighter from the Fire collection. My skin started getting really bad during September and it only has just started getting back to being normal. I had constant breakouts because towards the end of summer my skin got really oily. I tried out a few products but nothing seemed to work. I then bought this product hoping for the best and it has helped my skin so much. I use it twice a week and it scrubs off all your dead skin cells leaving your skin very smooth and it also brightens it. It has also helped me control my oil as well which means I haven't had really bad breakouts. I'm not going to go too much into depth about this because I do want to do a separate blog post about it.

My next two favourites are both from Nivea and they are both lip products. The first one is the Nivea lip butter in raspberry rose. I love this because it not only moisturises your lips but it also has a really nice smell which to me smells like raspberry yoghurt. It is a light pink colour and it also lasts ages. My other Nivea favourite is the pearly shine lip balm. I featured this in my Products I've Used Up/Empties blog post that I wrote in May. I used the whole thing up but I loved it so much I re bought it, its great for autumn/winter because it feels really nice on the lips and it adds a nice pearly shine.

My next favourite is quite random but its a tea. As it starts getting colder I drink more hot drinks and tea is one of them. While my skin was going through a hard time I bought this Twinnings pure green tea because green tea has alot of benefits. I bought it decaffeinated because it still tastes the same and caffeine isn't the best for you.

My final October 2014 favourite is the L'oreal Elnett Satin volume excess hairspray. This hairspray doesn't leave your hair sticky sand it disappears at the stroke of a brush. It leaves your hair with a shiny finish and lasts all day long. It also adds lot of volume to your hairstyle.

These are all of my October 2014 favourites. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you try some of the things out. 


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